Welcome to my blog!

The reason behind creating this blog is directly connected to the online course I am happy and proud to be part of now. I am honoured to be selected into the group of passionate and professional English language teachers who want to develop their skills and share their experiences. Building Teaching Skills through the Interactive Web offers a chance for me to go a huge step forward in my teaching journey.

Let this blog serve as a record of my attempts and efforts. Please feel free to comment on anything that is going to happen here.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Week 3 - Listen (in)to the web

I feel as if I begin to read a new book every week, but I never finish… Each Monday (sometimes earlier) Deborah bombards us with loads of references to go through. And although we may usually select one or two resources, it would be unwise not to read all! I would like to lock myself in some place (with enough food and drink of course) and start a never-ending search… it is so engaging that I need to force myself to stop… I sleep less, eat more and always look forward to the time when I can start my laptop…

This week was exceptional since I could finally organize my favourite sites with the use of a new tool – DELICIOUS. I recommend this site for anyone who uses more than three sites on a regular basis. See mine (http://delicious.com/joannazubel) and set up yours! You can use it anywhere and do not need to bother whether you have saved a bookmark on your own computer or the one at work.

My newest bookmarks on DELICIOUS are all connected with the second task this week – the examination of aural/oral skill building websites. Having refreshed the basic concepts regarding teaching listening and speaking, I went through several sites (like http://www.esl-lab.com, http://www.onestopenglish.com or http://larryferlazzo.edublogs.org) to find out loads of useful and varied activities for learners at any age and at any level of English (starting with myself!). Until now, I have primarily been using listening as suggested in the course books I follow. The above-mentioned sites (and many more) offer a lot of activities to be used in class as well as for homework or self-study. The only thing you need is a good computer with Internet access and time… time… time…

I am scared to check next week’s assignments…


  1. Hello Joanna,

    as I am reading our virtual classmates posts, I realize that most of them complain (already) about the lack of time. I am in total agreement. It's very challenging to attend this course and to keep up with all the tasks and discussions and project tasks... but otherwise, it could be boring and I know I'd give up. Like this, even if it's very hard work, we learn something new every week and we benefit of every piece of information we get, we communicate, we share ideas.
    As for the next week, let it begin and then I'll have a look at the new tasks. Now it's Sunday, let's enjoy it.


  2. Hi Nadina,

    I hope my last post did not sound as if I was complaining. I feel honoured to be part of this course and obviously expect to learn a lot which requires time and hard work on my part. What I really meant is that to enjoy and draw from this course as much as possible you need to devote yourself truly... which I am attempting at:)


  3. Dear Joanna
    Thank you for posting a nice reflection on the week 3. I agree with you that a new thing I learned is delicious.com where we can manage our favorite sites.

    I could feel your excitementin in your post.Every week is a new week with new things to learn. We all are excited to learn new things every week.
    Yes, we cannot go through all the materials that Deborah has given us. But we are readig different materials and sharing what we learned. This sharing has of course helped us to know what is given in all materials.I am enjoying to read other friends posts.


  4. Hello Classmate,

    I really thought I am the only one who had a hard time catching up... now i know my feelings is normal... We have accepted the challenge let us just support each other so that all of us can reach the finish line.Good luck to all of us
